Monday, February 17, 2020

China's Iron Fist Is Turning The Coronavirus Into An Economic Disaster

Chinese President Xi Jinping's inefficiency of a manageable challenge has turned the coronavirus into a global crisis.

In January 2020, Wuhan, the capital of Hubei province, the People's Republic of China was struck with the beginning of the coronavirus. This was caused by China's indifference to the basics of civil sanitation and hygiene. At the time, China should have been able to easily take care of the situation, however, it is too late for that now. The way that Xi Jinping has ruled China has been through the use of attacking his rivals and discarding China's collective leadership, making leaders fearful of taking action without the consent of Xi Jinping. This inefficiency of the authoritarian rule by the Chinese Communist Party led to China to take action way later than they should have. What makes this worse is the death of physician Li Wenliang, who had originally warned authorities about the coronavirus that would eventually kill hundreds in China and sicken thousands more globally, but was silenced by the police instead. Furthermore, Dr. Wenliang was forced to sign a statement that denied his own warning because the Chinese Communist Party did not approve of his views. Since then, there have been government officials, business figures, and ordinary online users who have expressed their grief for Dr. Wenliang and anger for the police for silencing his knowledge of the virus.

Although I have never seen articles with strong antiwar voices in the mainstream news, I still a glimpse of online users with strong antiwar opinions on social media websites such as Twitter and Facebook. My guess as to why I've never seen these websites lying about is because I've never explicitly searched for them. There are restrictions as to what can pop up in searches and I believe that these antiwar websites are only one of those restrictions.

Related Article:
China's Iron Fist Is Turning The Coronavirus Into An Economic Disaster

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