Monday, April 13, 2020

My Online Presence

I personally don't think that I have an online footprint on social media as I'm more of a browser than a poster. I don't have a personal website because I think the only time I should have one is when I'm starting my own company.

While I currently use 11 social media sites, I rarely post anything on any of them. I did put a few things on a couple of social media sites as well as linked to other social media sites, but I've gone back and deleted what didn't match my current personality. The pictures didn't tell much other than the places I had visited for vacation, holiday wishes, funny photos, but I never got a whole lot of followers off of that.

If a visitor were to glean from my social media, they would see that I don't post a lot of content. They could probably also see some stuff that I would rather them not see but I can change a few things to make sure nobody has to see that. As for the private information I've given out, I now feel like I've given out a bit too much on social media sites like Discord and Facebook so later this week I'll work on getting rid of that information. The reason why I put my information out there was because I expected people to go to my other social media profiles and follow me there.

I can see how social media can make people depressed because they constantly see pictures of their friends having a much better time than they are.

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